Kybella in Grand Rapids Michigan at Renewal Skin Spa
What is Kybella?
Kybella is an injectable treatment that can effectively reduce submental fat without surgery. It uses deoxycholic acid to safely destroy underlying fat cells without harming the surrounding skin or tissue. As Kybella gradually attacks the stubborn fat, your body will digest the treated fat cells through its own natural processes, leaving behind a slimmer, better-sculpted chin, jawline or other treated area.
Stubborn fat is a tough issue quite a few of us deal with. Despite doing our very best to stay active and eat healthy. One of the most common areas men and women carry stubborn fat is along the underside of their chins. This hard-to-lose fat can make a person feel self-conscious about their appearance and discouraged about their fitness efforts.

The Kybella procedure
The Kybella procedure is administered through a series of injections. Injection sites are marked using a specially designed template to ensure an even, natural-looking reduction of the target fat. With each injection, the deoxycholic acid will work to destroy the targeted fat cells, which will then be digested and removed by your body.

When will you notice the results of Kybella?
Kybella works best as a series of multiple personalized treatment sessions based on your unique case and desired outcome. At Renewal Skin Spa, our patients benefit most from a series of Kybella sessions at about one-month intervals. The amount of session varies based on area, and desired outcome. Most men and women notice a visible reduction in stubborn fat or a double chin after 2-4 Kybella treatment sessions. The results of your Kybella treatment are designed to last with an ongoing healthy lifestyle.
Questions? We have answers.
If you’re considering Kybella, please schedule a free consultation by calling us at Renewal Skin Spa: 616-940-1177 or click to contact us.